Manage Voicemails
Manage Voicemails
To manage your voicemail message(s), navigate to the 'Messages' icon.

Voicemails are categorized by new, saved, and trashed messages. To toggle between them, select the drop down menu on the left hand side.

When a folder with a voicemail is selected, the voicemail will populate with message information and options. To play the voicemail on your device, select the play button. On the right hand side, there is a quick access button to callback, an option to forward the voicemail to another user/extension, a download button and an option to move the message to the trash folder.

Once messages are moved to the 'trash' folder, they are permanently deleted within 24 hours.

We're happy with the new service and options we've gotten through the upgrade from our prior service provider and the service team is responsive and helpful. I'd definitely recommend them!

Prior to switching to Recent Communications, we had a large national VoIP provider for our business phone solutions. The biggest difference we experience is the true partnership and immediate response to any questions or support needs we have. It helps that they are local too!

As a current client of Recent Communications with two different companies, I continue to be impressed not only by their amazing growth, but by their ability to continue to service us like we are their only two clients!

826 N. Lewis Rd
Suite 100
Royersford, PA 19468
Call or Text: 484-998-4500
Fax: 484-978-4540
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