7 Ways Nonprofits Can Leverage Phone Solutions
Updated: Feb 13, 2020
For many nonprofit organizations, critical communications tools like phone solutions are often an overlooked area to support operational and strategic goals of their mission.
With the potential to reduce total telecom spending, enhance operations, and allow for more time to focus on the organization's mission, it may be time to evaluate if the current phone solutions and vendor support are the best fit.

Here are 7 ways nonprofit organizations can leverage the power of communications with phone solutions (systems, software, services) and support with a regional full-service company.
1. Streamline organization's communications by adding local, toll-free, or international business telephone numbers versus using personal cell phone numbers.
2. Reduce staff and volunteer time spent handling incoming phone calls to the organization by adding automated attendants and voicemail boxes to allow simple call routing options.
3. Increase productivity and availability of remote staff and volunteers with computer-based softphones and mobile apps to make and take phone calls as if sitting at the office (even if working from home in a different state).
4. Impact charitable giving campaign reach using SMS/Text messaging by sending, receiving, and managing all communications using text-capable telephone numbers.
5. Improve board meeting attendance and collaboration with conference calls, web meetings, and video conference solutions.
6. Reduce time, energy, and frustrations spent calling into a 'support line' for any phone-related issues, questions, or updates by partnering with a regional full-service telecom company.
7. Identify up to 50% total cost savings by reviewing:
Monthly phone bills (including long distance and toll free charges)
Maintaining an outdated phone system
Conference call/video meeting service costs
Partnering with a regional full-service telecom company, nonprofit organizations can design the best fit, feature-rich, flexible, and cost-effective phone solutions.
Along with a full-range of systems and solutions, personalized and extremely responsive local support can help shift time and energy spent managing these critical tools and allow staff to focus on what's most important......YOUR MISSION.
Know a nonprofit organization that could benefit from understanding the advantages of leveraging phone solutions? Let them know about our regional, full-service telecom company at Recent Communications, Inc.
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