Old Computers? Don't Trash, Donate!
At Recent Communications, Inc., we know the importance of educating businesses and nonprofits on the benefits of moving to the latest and greatest technology and communications solutions, especially when it comes to business phone systems. With any technology upgrades, there's most likely hardware that's being replaced.
Question: What do we do with all of this outdated technology hardware?
Good news, there are several options to consider when you are replacing outdated technology and electronic hardware. You can recycle, donate, or attempt to sell items. With only 12.5% of e-waste (electronic products nearing the end of their "useful life") responsibly recycled, these could be better options than simply trashing items.
This Earth Day, let's donate!

Now more than ever with the shift to remote working and virtual schooling, there is a rise in requests for PCs, laptops, USB mice, USB keyboards, and flat screen monitors.
To help drive awareness and make an impact this Earth Day, our team at Recent Communications, Inc. is partnering with TDI Connect to spread the 'Don't Trash, Donate' message when it comes to computers and other technology hardware.
TDI Connect refurbishes computers and laptops donated by companies and schools, and distributes these items to individuals and groups in need. The donated computers are refurbished by technically trained volunteers and include an Ubuntu Linux Operating System, popular web browsers, and a suite of productivity software that reads and writes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Photoshop files.
In 2019 the organization distributed over 485 PCs through partner groups to students, families, individuals, and nonprofits across the Trenton community. In 2020, they gave away over 1,250 refurbished PCs and are actively seeking donations in 2021.
Want to learn more about TDI Connect and how to donate outdated computers and technology hardware?
Email: PCDonations@TDIConnect.org
Call: 6O9-462-2933
Website: www.TDIConnect.org
Want to help but don't plan on replacing or refreshing computers? Learn more about making a monetary donation support TDI Connect's mission!
Know an organization that is planning a refresh of computers and other technology hardware? Please share this information and have them get in touch with TDI Connect!
Learn more about how you can get involved:
Email: PCDonations@TDIConnect.org
Call: 6O9-462-2933
Website: www.TDIConnect.org
Call: 484-998-4540 Chat: info@recentcom.com Click: www.recentcom.com